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APT Offer Is Raised to $301.3/mtu on Late September due to Tight Supply

Posted by: Chris Na 2021-09-30 Comments Off on APT Offer Is Raised to $301.3/mtu on Late September due to Tight Supply

APT Offer Is Raised to $301.3/mtu on Late September due to Tight Supply

Category: tungsten‘s News
Published on Thursday, 30 September 2021 16:36

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online

The ammonium paratungstate (APT) price increases slightly on September 29, 2021 pushed up by tight supply of raw materials under the policy of dual control of capacity consumption. 

The offer for tungsten concentrate stabilizes at $17,460.3/ton supported by stricter environmental checks as well as firm production cost. Although the current round of large-scale power rationing has limited impact on tungsten mine production activities, the reduction in the supply of raw materials has a certain stimulus to the metal market sentiment. Insiders become reluctant to sell, waiting for higher prices. 

APT offer tends to rise to $301.3/mtu when the price of raw and auxiliary materials has soared and the processing cost has further raised. The processing cost of smelting enterprises during the week will be increased by about $476.2 from mid-September.

The offer of tungsten powder is stalemated at $40.5/kg. Some traders are optimistic about the raw material side, and the price of export has been raised. However, the pressure on alloy consumption has led to the low enthusiasm of buyers to take the initiative to receive the goods, and the release of on-site trading is still limited.

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