Home » Tungsten Steel » YG3X Tungsten Steel

YG3X Tungsten Steel

YG3X tungsten steel is a kind of steel, which has the characteristics of high hardness, good wear resistance, but low strength and poor impact toughness.

Material name: YG3X Category: Performance and application: Tungsten and cobalt have high hardness. Good wear resistance, but low strength and poor impact toughness. The wire drawing die under the condition of not too much stress is suitable for drawing thin steel wires with a diameter of less than 2mm. Non-ferrous metal wire and its alloy wire.
YG20C advanced molding material. Without heat treatment, the inner and outer hardness is uniform. Used for mass production. It is suitable for the production of cold heading, cold punching and cold pressing molds for standard parts, bearings, etc.

chemical composition

WC: 96.5
Co: 3

Mechanical properties

Density/(g/cm3): 15.0-15.3
Hardness (HRA): 91.5
Flexural strength (σbb/MPa): 1100

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